Get Published in Our Heritage

Our Heritage, the journal of the San Antonio Genealogical and Historical Society, is published twice yearly, in January and July. Our Heritage is about and for our members. We are especially pleased that our society is able to champion the abstraction of original records relating to Bexar County, and to offer the opportunity for our members to publish their unique family stories. Articles about Bexar County or material submitted by members in regard to their families of whatever geographical origin are given preference.
We need you!Our Heritage, Volume 55, nos. 1 & 2
We need your memories of striking events, your stories of ancestors, your images and memorabilia of loved ones, your research on historical topics, your triumphs in family discoveries! We need you, our members, to photograph, scan, write, polish, and wrap up what you have so we can publish it in Our Heritage!
We generally have a theme for each issue to give contributors an idea on which to base their stories. The Spring 2024 issue of Our Heritage will have the theme, “Grandpa’s Tales,” similar to the theme of our last issue, “Grandma’s Kitchen.” Your story about your grandfather does not have to be long. It can be as short as a paragraph or two or even simply an idea for a story. Our staff will be happy to work with you on developing your story about your grandfather into an article for Our Heritage.  We hope you will start thinking back to your memories of your grandfather and share some of your most vivid memories of him with the readers of Our Heritage.
Once again, we need YOU to submit your stories to as soon as possible so we can start putting our next issue together. 

However, remember that contributors are not limited to providing a themed article. Contributors can submit any story about any ancestor. This could include stories about their immigration to this country, stories about their military service, stories about their contributions to the communities in which they lived, or simply a lineage back to an ancestor who was in Bexar County in its early years.  

And we don’t limit our stories to just San Antonio or Bexar County or even Texas. Your stories can be about any place in which your ancestor was living.
Now is the time to publish your treasures and to write your stories for your grandchildren and our membership. Something as short as a “memory” can reflect your personality and interests — so hard to decipher from public records. Wouldn’t you like to see your family history and research in print? How often do we say “if only we had written down the stories we were told by our grandparents?” How often have we gratefully found a family diary or Bible record in a publication?

Please review our Publication Guidelines and Citation and Stylistic Template before submitting articles. However, don’t let these criteria prevent you from submitting your stories. Our staff will happily work with you on developing your story.

We also welcome reviews of books of genealogical and historical value. An author can request a review or a free advertisement of his/her book by mailing a copy to the attention of the publications committee chairman. Books submitted become the property of SAGHS and will be placed in the library. At the discretion of the publications committee chairman, a free advertisement may be run in place of a review.

Material for publication may be emailed directly to or placed in the Our Heritage box at the Society library when the library is open.

We can’t wait to hear from you!