There are three options for obtaining books. You can stop by the society during business hours, download an order form for mailing to SAGHS, or order online with a credit card through PayPal. (You do not have to have a PayPal account).
Please note:SAGHS prints most books on demand, so please be patient while we print your custom order!
Breaking Through Walls: Derived from a series of articles appearing in the SAGHS newsletter, Leslie Watson Tomlinson, CG, expands upon the articles and provides new material and examples. Learn proven methods and sources to help you develop strategies for breaking through brick walls, build reliable cases for proving family relationships, identify sources most likely to answer your research questions, and discover new records, archives, and collections. Soft cover, 112 pages, indexed. ★
First Families of Bexar County: Descendant Lineages of Residentsof Béxar, San Antonio, and Bexar County prior to 1850:
330 pages, soft cover. The book includes lineages on 52 ancestor families of 103 First Family descendants recognized in the first 20 years of the SAGHS “First Families” program. Ancestors include Spanish presidio soldados, Mexican familias, Tejanopioneers, European colonizers, and Anglo-American immigrants. Biographical sketches, historical narratives, photographs, and maps supplement the lineages. Lineages are fully documented with source citations conforming to current genealogical standards.
Bexar County, Texas, Divorces 1901–1903: 72 pages, soft cover. Entries include litigants, courts in which cases tried, case numbers, dates, and many details of property settlements and children, maiden names and marriage information, if known. Full name index with married and maiden names, if known. ★ View sample entry.
Bexar County, Texas, Confederate Pension Records: Annotated Abstractions of the First 325 Accepted Applications: 212 pages, soft cover with table of applicants' military units and physician's reports. ★ View sample pages.
Bexar County, Texas, District Court Minutes 1838–1848: Soft cover, 180 pages. Abstracts of court minutes from the first Bexar County District Court term held 15 Oct. 1838–24 Oct. 1838, through the term held 7 Aug. 1848–19 Aug. 1848. ★ View sample pages.
Bexar County, Texas, Marriage Books: All marriage books have soft covers and (if included) list witnesses, officiants, parental consents, license numbers, date, volume and page number, and include bride and groom surname indexes.
Bexar County, Texas, Naturalization Index: 192 pages, soft cover. Names, ages, country of origin, record locations of people who made Declarations of Intention and/or were naturalized through 1906. View sample pages.
Bexar County, Texas, 1890 Tax Rolls: 173 pages, soft cover. Alphabetical list of taxpayers and their taxable property listed in alphabetical order. View sample pages.
Bexar County, Texas, Voter Registration 1865 & 1867–1869: 95 pages, soft cover. Length of residence, place of birth and, if applicable, naturalization information. View sample pages.
Bexar County, Texas, Wills and Inventories, 1742–1899: 147 pages, soft cover. Abstracts listed in alphabetical order by legator. Other names in the wills indexed. View sample pages.
Cemeteries of Bexar County, Texas: All cemetery books have maps and/or GPS coordinates, full and maiden name indexes; family, church and community cemeteries; soft covers.
St. Joseph's Society Cemetery: 79 pages, soft cover. with 16 pages of photographs. Gravestone transcriptions but not photos are in Cemeteries, Vol 2.) View sample pages.
Excerpts from the San Antonio Daily Light of 1890:170 pages, soft cover. Activities of people living in Bexar County in 1890. Surname index. View sample pages.
Our Heritage Recipes, collection of SAGHS member recipes from past and present with family heritage stories.
Our Heritage, copies of previous issues, if available
Remembering World War I, An anthology of family memories and events from 100 years ago, with 40 articles by members of the San Antonio Genealogical and Historical Society; includes articles to guide further individual genealogy research. Soft cover, 146 pages, full color covers, 4 pages full color illustrations; fully indexed by names, military units, battles, and locations.View sample pages
San Antonio, Texas, Newspaper Abstracts 1848–1865: 154 pages, soft cover. Abstractions of names in seven San Antonio newspapers published 1848–1865. Alphabetical order.
San Antonio Texas, Sexton Burial Records, City Cemetery #7: 132 pages, soft cover. Includes 3,000 graves removed from this pauper’s cemetery to Stinson Field, now occupied by a school. View sample pages.
San Antonio Texas, Sexton Burial Records 1879–1891: 151 pages, soft cover. Alphabetized names, birthplace, marital status, race, gender, grave locations of 4,162 persons buried by the city sexton. View sample pages.
San Antonio Texas, Sexton Burial Records 1892–1900: 144 pages, soft cover. Names, burial dates, ages, birth places, marital status, race & gender of the 3,841 persons buried by the sexton. Deceased listed in alphabetical order. View sample pages.
Family Histories by Janey Ruth Eaves Joyce, CG
Bartlett Eaves (ca.1765–ca.1833): His Ancestors and Descendants. San Antonio: J. E. Joyce, p.p., 2005. 546 pages total, soft cover, appendix, bibliography and index. Awarded the grand prize for 2005 from the Texas State Genealogical Society. ★ View sample pages.
The Rev. Moore Bingham (1797–1853) and His Wives, Ann Barber and Lucy Barber: Their Ancestors and Descendants. Bountiful, Utah, Family History Publishers, 2011. San Antonio: J. E. Joyce, p.p., 2011. 479 pages total, soft cover, sources, and index 63 pages. Awarded the grand prize for 2013 from Connecticut Society of Genealogists. View sample pages.
★ Texas State Genealogical Society Award Winner
Shipping and handling: $6 for first book; $2 for each additional book in an order. Contact us for more information.